Configure settings for refunds

Configure settings for refunds

Managing refunds efficiently is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and trust in your e-commerce business. Eshopbox ensures a seamless experience for both you and customers. This article will guide you through configuring refund settings within Eshopbox, empowering you to customize your refund process according to your business needs.

Before you start:

  • You have installed the RazorpayX app in your Eshopbox workspace. Learn more.

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to configure refund settings in Eshopbox

    • Selecting refund modes for prepaid and COD orders

    • Choosing the app for instant refunds

    • Defining refund initiation based on return status

Configuring Refund Settings in Eshopbox

Navigate through the following steps to configure your refund settings within Eshopbox:

  1. Log in to your Eshopbox workspace.

  2. Navigate to Settings and click on Customer Portal settings.

  3. Go to Manage Returns and Refunds.

  4. Toggle the button on for returns.

  5. Enter the number of days for which return is applicable from the day of delivery.

  6. Enter the return reason that you want to provide for your customers. You can enter maximum of 10 return reasons.

  7. Select the resolution policy for returns.

    1. Refund: Customer will be able to receive the amount paid for the order as refund.

    2. Exchange: Customer will be asked for the size for exchange order.

  8. For refund resolution, you need to configure the refund policy for each payment method. Below are the available refund policies:

    1. Back as store credits (This is currently available only for Shopify)

      1. For store credits you also need to define the Expiration. (Number of years/days/months/never)

    2. Back to a desired bank account

    3. Refund in Bank via UPI

    4. Refund via Payout Link (Preview the message that will be sent to the customer)

    5. Back to original accounts used in payment (This is available only for prepaid payment mode. This is currently available only for Shopify)

  • Customer will be asked for UPI id when selecting Refund in Bank via UPI.

  • Customer will be asked for email address or phone number when selecting Refund via Payout Link on which the Eshopbox will send the payout link.

  • Customer will be asked for bank account details when selecting Back to a desired bank account.

  • You have installed RazorpayX app

  1. Select the app for instant refunds. If you have only one app, it will be selected by default.

This is required only if you have selected Back to a desired bank account, Refund in Bank via UPI and Refund via Payout Link as refund policy in the previous step.

  1. Select when do you want to initiate the refund.

    1. At the time of return pickup

    2. When the item is delivered to the warehouse and return status is Restocked/Quarantined/Damaged/Lost.

You can select one or multiple of return status. For example, you can choose to initiate a refund only when the return is delivered to the warehouse and marked as "restocked." Now in case, the return status is Quarantined, Eshopbox won’t initiate the refund and alert notify you of the same.

  1. You can also charge a return fee from your customer. The amount will be deducted automatically from there refund amount. You can also set if you want to charge on every order or on every return. If you select on every order then Eshopbox will deduct the fee from first return of that order. You also have the provision to define weather you want to charge the return fee on all you returns or for certain returns only.

  2. Click on Save and you return and refund settings are configured.





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