External courier integration via Clickpost
Client can add their own courier account in Eshopbox and Eshopbox will use those account for forward and reverse shipping.
Feature | Eshopbox courier account | Seller/Client courier account | UI change | Remarks |
On time delivery | Available | Not available | - | Tracking associated with seller courier account should not be visible |
Weight discrepancy | Available | Not available | - | User should not be able to import tracking of seller courier account |
Billing automation | Available | Not available | - | Can be skipped for now |
COD payments | Available | Not available | - | COD payments should not be over due or paid for seller courier account |
Order routing | Available | Available | - |
Pincode serviceability | Available | Available | New records will be visible for seller courier account |
Failed delivery automation | Available | Available | - |
Risk score | Available | Available | - |
Customer notifications | Available | Available | - |
Shipping mode | Available | Available | New records will be visible for seller courier account |
Orders + Export + Activities | Available | Available | Seller courier account name will be displayed |
Order processing |
| When processing order we ask for shipping mode, this dropdown should have list of seller courier account as well. |
How the user flow will work?
The seller will initiate the discussion with CSM or onboarding manager.
Eshopbox to provide list of courier partners and details required for each courier partner for integration.
On the basis of the courier partner, CSM to ask for the required details from the seller.
CSM to share the required details with shipping team
Shipping team will add courier on Clickpost and in Eshopbox DB.
(Long term: Eshopbox to introduce Apps for logistics partner)
Changes required:
We need to save courier partners at account level. (manual entry as of now)
Shipping mode:
Show client courier accounts in addition of Eshopbox shipping mode on the basis of courier accounts added for that account.
Pincode serviceability:
Shipping method will be added with seller courier account in addition to the Eshopbox standard and Eshopbox express.
Courier/Shipping provider in activity, export and algolia sync:
If the courier partner is of the seller, we need to sync the exact courier name in activity, algolia, export and filter on all orders.
Reports (dashboards) to have the display the raw courier account only for seller courier account.
Verify how the same will look on the order processing page on flex.
Pincode Serviceability API handling
COD payments to exclude tracking ID for seller courier account.
In weight discrepancy, if if user tries to import tracking ID which belongs to the seller courier account, give error “Failed: This tracking ID does not belong to Eshopbox shipping.
In reports, shipping service/mode filter to have dynamic values. Currently, only Standard and Express are shown.
Tracking of courier partner for the shipments shipped using Seller/Client courier account in workspace, export, report and filter.