Weight discrepancy management

Weight discrepancy management

Current Flow:

When creating products in Eshopbox, sellers provide the weight and dimensions of the product. These details are used to calculate shipping charges when Eshopbox ships orders to customers. Eshopbox calculates the shipping charges based on the seller's configured information and raises a bill to the seller, allowing a 5% margin for packaging.

Problem Statement:

The weight and dimensions of the products are not verified, which can result in weight discrepancies and inaccurate shipping charges being applied. If the courier charges more than what we have charged the seller, Eshopbox calculates the additional charges and bills the seller accordingly. Additionally, sellers raise disputes via email if they believe the shipping charges are inaccurate.

Currently, this entire conversation takes place over email without proper tracking or defined timelines for the process.


Eshopbox introduces a new feature: weight discrepancy management. This feature streamlines the process by consolidating all details and workflow within the workspace. Here's how it works:

1. Identifying Weight Discrepancy:

  • The feature reports any differences between the courier's charged weight and the seller's charged weight.

  • Sellers have the option to accept the reported discrepancy or raise a dispute, supporting it with evidence against Eshopbox's assessment.

2. Dispute Resolution:

  • If the seller's dispute is rejected by Eshopbox, they can escalate it further.

  • If the seller accepts the dispute or fails to take action within 72 hours of Eshopbox raising a weight discrepancy, Eshopbox will charge the excess amount from the seller.

This feature enhances transparency and ensures fair dealings between Eshopbox, sellers, and couriers.


  • Seller

  • Eshopbox

  • Courier partner


  • Eshopbox workspace: Admin portal. This will be used by Eshopbox to report or verify the discrepancy of disputes.

  • Seller/client workspace: Seller portal. This will be used by the seller to track or raise dispute on the weight discrepancy.



How to validate the variance in the chargeable weight?

  • Calculate chargeable weight as per the packaging material mapped with the order. In case the packaging material is not available, use the product weight and dimension.

Note: Higher of the dead weight or the volumetric weight will be considered as the chargeable weight.

  • Variance = Chargeable weight as per Eshopbox - Chargeable weight as per courier.

    • If the variance is +ve, ignore.

    • If the variance is -ve and variance is more than 100 gram, raise discrepancy.


Import templates:

  • Report a dispute









Tracking ID

Courier weight (in g)

Width (in cm)

Length (in cm)

Height (in cm)

Reference image URL 1

Reference image URL 2

Reference image URL 3









  • Accept dispute






Tracking ID


Courier proof 1

Courier proof 2

Courier proof 3






  • Reject dispute







Tracking ID

Rejection reason


Courier proof 1

Courier proof 2

Courier proof 3








Tracking ID

Created on

Applied weight (in gm)

Charged weight (in gm)

Excess weight (in gm)

Excess charge (in INR)


Courier evidence 1

Courier evidence 2

Courier evidence 3

Seller evidences

Seller remarks

Dispute rejection reason

Dispute rejection remarks

Tracking ID

Created on

Applied weight (in gm)

Charged weight (in gm)

Excess weight (in gm)

Excess charge (in INR)


Courier evidence 1

Courier evidence 2

Courier evidence 3

Seller evidences

Seller remarks

Dispute rejection reason

Dispute rejection remarks
















When a shipment is tagged under weight protection plan?

  • When the shipment is processed with packaging material which is verified

  • When all the products of the shipments are verified



Open points:

  • When the weight dispute is won by the seller should the shipment weight and dimensions should be updated?


Where the weight protection is taken by the seller but still weight dispute is received.




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