Fee Overview
A fee is a rate card agreed between you and your contact. Eshopbox allows you to configure such rate cards into a set of rules. These rules automatically:
Calculate the expected expenses.
Reconcile actual expenses.
Using Fee feature in Eshopbox App, you can configure fees like:
Shipping fees charged by courier partners.
Transaction fees charged by the payment provider.
Commission fees charged by portals.
Packaging material fees charged by a packaging provider.
Following are attributes of fees:
Name of the fee - eg. Commission fee, Shipping fee
Portal - eg. Amazon, Flipkart
Validity period: Fee will be applicable for orders created during the validity period. You can choose to define only the start date as well.
Conditions in which the fee is applicable. E.g., Fee is charged when order is shipped but is reversed in case of returns or cancellation.
Charge rules: You can define a different fee amount for various conditions based on the following fields:
product category
product price,
product brand
shipping weight
shipping destination and
payment method.
Fee Actions:
Configure: Create a fee with a set of rules.
Revision: Revise fees in case there is a change in rate card agreed between you and your contact
Correction: This is to make any corrections in the fee defined.
Clone: Clone fee in case you want to create a copy of an existing fee configured.
Expire: The Eshopbox app automatically marks an active fee as expired when the validity period expires.
Fee can have the following states:
Upcoming: Fee which will be applicable from a future date.
Active: This is the applicable fee for the current period.
Expired: Fee for which validity has expired.