Contacts Overview

Contacts Overview

Contact is an entity you frequently interact with as a part of your business. You may have multiple communications and transactions with each of your contacts. The Eshopbox App allows you to create such contacts and track all their interactions with your business.

In the Eshopbox App, you can assign multiple types to your contact. There are four possible types you can assign to a contact:

  1. Vendor: It provides you with services or products to help you operate your business smoother.

  2. Collection Agent: It helps you to safely process or/and collect payments for your orders.

  3. Customer: It is a customer who frequently places orders for your products.

Contacts Actions

  • Create a new contact simply by providing all its required attributes.

  • Edit an existing contact to change its attributes. This will help you to avoid creating duplicate contacts.

  • Archive your contact to make it inactive.


  • Active: The contact is still an active participant and future involvement is expected.

  • Inactive: The contact is no longer a participant with your business.

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