Activating e-Invoicing

Activating e-Invoicing

Every GST registered person whose aggregate turnover in the financial year 2019-20 was Rs.500 crore or more has to generate e-invoice mandatorily. This will become compulsory from 1 October 2020. Invoice Registration Portal will help you to register the e-invoice.

This article will help you to understand below.

Steps for registration on the e-invoice system

The below steps will help you to for e-invoice registration:

Step I: Navigate to the IRP portal.

If you are registered on the E-invoice portal: In this case, you can use the same login credentials to login onto the e-invoice portal.

e-invoice registration

If you are not registered on the e-invoice portal: In this case, you should have a GSTIN and mobile number registered with the GST system. Once you enter the URL of the e-invoice system, the screen below will open.

Step II: Navigate to the registration tab.

A first-time GSTIN can register by clicking on the e-invoice registration link. This link will open the e-invoice registration link. You need to fill in the form and submit the same.

Step III: Provide the GSTIN number with captcha. Click on go button.

Step IV: You will move to the next section. Here, certain details will be auto-populated like the applicant’s name, trade name, mobile number, etc. In case you want to change this information. Click on the Update from GST button. It will pull the latest information from the GST common portal.

e-invoice registration

Step V: Click on the Send OTP button. A One time password is sent to your contact number. Enter the OTP. Click on Verify OTP.

The Username and Password for the E-Invoicing portal are different from the credentials for the Government portal and the E-Way bill portal.

Step VI: Provide your user ID/username to operate his account. The username provided should be 6 to 15 alphanumeric characters and unique. Upon successfully submitting the request, the system validates the data and creates a client ID and password, which can be used to access the e-invoice system. Details will be sent to your mobile number.

  • In case you forget the password, you should enter the username, GSTIN, and mobile number on the e-invoice system. On successful validation, you can reset your password.

  • In case you forget your username, he/she should enter his GSTIN and the registered mobile number. The system will validate the same and send a username to his registered mobile number through SMS.

Providing login details to Eshopbox

After the successful registration on IRP, you need to provide login credentials to Eshopbox. This will help Eshopbox to raise the invoice.

Before you proceed with sharing details with Eshopbox, please keep the below information handy:


  • Client ID

  • Username

  • Password

Now, follow the below steps to share detail with Eshopbox.

  • Login to your Eshopbox workspace.

  • Go to Eshopbox messenger and click on Activate E-invoicing.

Now, start providing the details requested by messenger.


After providing all the details, click on submit. All the details will be successfully submitted to Eshopbox.


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