(Published)Eshopbox Service Level Agreements
Eshopbox Service Level Agreements (SLAs) lays out the performance metrics by which you measure Eshopbox services and provide the remedies if any, when agreed-on service levels not achieved.
Service Level Objectives
The following table summarizes the performance metrics and the corresponding Service level Objective each metric should meet under the Eshopbox Service Level Agreement.
Performance Metrics | Service level objective |
Order fulfillment accuracy | greater than 99% |
On-time order processing | greater than 98% |
Order fulfillment rate | greater than 99.8% |
Inventory accuracy | greater than 99.65% |
Order fulfillment accuracy
The order fulfillment accuracy is the indicator to ensure the shipment of orders includes the inventory as requested in the order.
To calculate the order fulfillment accuracy, divide the total number of orders shipped with no error in a period by the total number of orders shipped in the same period. The resulting percentage is your order fulfillment accuracy.
Order fulfillment accuracy = (Number of orders shipped without an error / Total number of orders shipped)*100
For example, It is identified that there is a fulfillment error in 5 orders in a period, and there are 2000 orders shipped during the same period - The order fulfillment accuracy is (1995/2000)*100 = 99.75% for that period.
Below are the incidents that Eshopbox consider as an error to determine the order fulfillment accuracy.
Incorrect Item: An incident is considered an incorrect item error if both of the below conditions are met.
The shipment includes the item that is not present in the order and
The shipment does not include the items which are present in the order.
For example, for an order of a T-shirt with Small Size, Eshopbox included a T-shirt with Size: Medium in the shipment.
Item Missing: An incident is considered an item missing error if an item which is present in the order is not included in the shipment. For example, for an order of 3 T-shirts, Eshopbox included 2 T-shirts in the shipment.
Extra Item: An incident is considered an extra item error if an item that is not present in the order is included in the shipment. For example, for an order of 1 T-shirt, Eshopbox included 2 T-shirts in the shipment.
Packaging Errors: An incident is considered an item mismatch error if both of the below conditions are met.
Incorrect entry of weights or dimensions leading to a higher price.
The packaging material used with shipment differs from mentioned, along with order leading to a higher price.
Some incidents may apparently look like an order fulfillment error but is not considered an error
You have received a complaint about the incorrect item in the shipment, but
You incorrectly configured the ordered product in your Eshopbox workspace.
Inventory included in the order are improperly labeled by you or your suppliers.
You had requested modification in the order after submission to the Eshopbox fulfillment center;
You have received a complaint about the missing item in the shipment. But, the Item is not available in inventory ( “Sellable”) at the time of order processing.
Eshopbox may use a different packaging material in the order if the one mentioned along with the order is not in stock.
Reporting an Incident
You can report an incident 30 days from the order shipped date. Eshopbox may ask for additional information to verify if the incident is an order fulfillment error. The verification may take 15 days from the day you have submitted all the information along with the incident.
Remedy for order fulfillment errors
Incidents that Eshopbox verifies to be an order fulfillment error will be used to determine the order fulfillment accuracy of a quarter. If Eshopbox doesn’t meet the Service level objective for the quarter, you will be eligible to receive the SLA credits as described below.
Error | Remedy |
Incorrect item | Eshopbox will issue an SLA credit of INR 75 per 500 grams of the combined weight of wrongly-shipped items in an order. Eshopbox caps the SLA credit amount at INR 500 per instance. In case the item is lost or damaged, remedy for the same is governed as per the Lost Inventory policy. |
Missing item | Eshopbox will issue an SLA credit of INR 50 per 500 grams of the combined weight of items missing from the shipment. Eshopbox caps the SLA credit amount at INR 250 per instance. |
Extra item | Eshopbox will issue an SLA credit of INR 75 per 500 grams of the combined weight of additional items in an order. Eshopbox caps SLA credit amount at INR 500 per instance. In case the item is lost or damaged, remedy for the same is governed as per the Lost Inventory policy. |
Packaging errors | Eshopbox will issue an SLA credit of INR 50 per 500 grams of the difference between the incorrect weight and actual weight of packaging assigned to the order. Eshopbox caps the SLA credits amount at INR 500 per instance. |
On-time order processing
On-time order processing is the measure of the percentage of orders marked as ready to ship before the Cut-Off Processing Time (CPT) assigned to order.
To calculate the on-time order processing, divide the number of orders marked as ready to ship before Cut off processing time in a period by the total number of orders created in the same period. The resulting percentage is your on-time order processing.
On-time order processing = (Number of orders made ready to ship before CPT / Total number of orders received)*100
For example, It is identified that there is a delay in order processing in 20 orders in a period, and there are 2000 orders created during the same period - The on-time order processing is (1980/2000)*100 = 99.75% for that period.
Following events/orders will not be considered as delay in order processing.
At the time of order processing, documents like invoices and shipping labels are not available. This may happen when
You have not assigned a shipping provider to your order. Or, you haven’t configured shipping rules applicable for the order. Eshopbox couldn’t make the order ready to ship.
Failure of any third-party system (e.g. Shipping provider, Sales channel) outside of Eshopbox’s direct control that results in our inability to fetch documents.
You had requested modification in the order after submission to the Eshopbox fulfillment center. Eshopbox will not consider such an order for calculating on-time order processing metrics.
The products in the order require special handling or oversized packaging.
The order includes more than 50 items.
The order is ready to ship, but the shipping provider does not pick-up.
Remedy for the delay in order processing
Eshopbox calculates on-time order processing metrics for your workspace quarterly. If Eshopbox doesn’t meet the Service level Objective for the quarter, you will be eligible to receive the SLA credits as described below.
Error | Remedy |
Delay in order processing | Eshopbox issue SLA credits of an amount equal to fixed fees charged on that order. |
Order fulfillment rate
To calculate the order fulfillment rate, subtract the orders canceled because of Eshopbox Error from the total number of orders shipped in a period and divide by the total number of orders shipped in the same period. The resulting percentage is your order fulfillment rate.
Order fulfillment rate = { (Total orders shipped - orders canceled because of Eshopbox error)/ Total number of order shipped}*100
For example, It is identified 5 orders are canceled because of Eshopbox error in a period, and Eshopbox shipped 10000 units for your workspace in the same period - The order fulfillment rate is (9995/10000)*100 = 99.95% for that period.
Below are the incidents that Eshopbox consider as an error to determine the order fulfillment rate.
Delay in processing: An order cancellation incident is considered a delay in processing the Eshopbox error when all the below conditions are met.
Eshopbox cannot make the order ready to ship before the auto-cancellation date
None of the exclusion conditions are met as defined for service- “On-time order processing”
Item not found: An order cancellation incident is considered an Item not found Eshopbox error when all the below conditions are met.
If there is inventory available (in “Sellable” status) of the product in Eshopbox records and
The order gets canceled because Eshopbox cannot find the inventory to process the order.
None of the exclusion conditions are met as defined for service- “Inventory accuracy”
Remedy for the order cancellation
Eshopbox calculates order fulfillment metrics for your workspace quarterly. If Eshopbox doesn’t meet the Service level Objective for the quarter, you will be eligible to receive the SLA credits as described below.
Error | Remedy |
Order cancellation | Eshopbox issue SLA credits of an amount equal to INR 250 or 20% of Invoice value, whichever is higher. Eshopbox caps the SLA credit at INR 500 per order cancellation instance. |
Inventory accuracy
To calculate inventory accuracy, subtract the lost inventory from the total number of inventories received in a period and divide by the total number of inventories received in the same period. The resulting percentage is your inventory accuracy.
Inventory accuracy = {(Total number of inventory - Lost inventory) / Total number of inventories} *100
For example, It is identified 5 units are lost in a period, and Eshopbox received 10000 units for your workspace in the same period - The inventory accuracy is (9995/10000)*100 = 99.95% for that period.
Below are the incidents that lead to lost inventory to determine inventory accuracy.
Damage/Loss during Storage: Inventory is considered as lost during storage if any of the below condition:
Eshopbox has marked the item as “Missing from location” during the continuous cycle count and “Missing from location” item has been missing for 30 consecutive days. In the case of Eshopbox finds the inventory before 30 days, it will not be considered as a lost inventory.
Eshopbox has marked the item as “FC damaged” during the continuous cycle count.
You performed an audit on your inventory lying in the Eshopbox fulfillment center and
The number of units scanned during an audit is less than the unit present in Eshopbox records. The difference should be greater 0.2% of the current inventory. If it is less, it will be audit error and not considered as a loss.
Damaged or defective units are found during the audit and such units are marked as “Sellable” in Eshopbox records.
Inventory improperly labeled by you or incorrectly configured in your Eshopbox workspace will not qualify for inventory lost or damaged during storage error. For example, if a fragile unit is damaged under Eshopbox control and it is not configured as fragile in Eshopbox workspace - it will not be considered for lost inventory.
Receiving error: Inventory is considered as lost due to receiving error if all the below conditions met.
If it is determined that units received are less than the consignment quantity.
Eshopbox fails to report such a shortage before marking the consignment as complete.
You follow the packaging and delivery guidelines of inward consignment
Any unexpected units received as part of inward consignment doesn’t qualify for receiving an error for determining lost inventory.
Error in order processing: Inventory is considered as lost because of error in order processing if all the below conditions met.
It is determined that Eshopbox has included an item in the shipment that is not present in the order.
Such an item is lost or damaged in transit.
You have reported an incident along with the necessary information within 30 days of shipping order and Eshopbox verifies that the incident is order fulfillment error.
Error in return processing: Inventory is considered as lost because of an error in return processing if all the below conditions met.
Items received in return are less than the quantity mentioned while creating returns in your Eshopbox workspace. Eshopbox fails to report such a shortage before marking the return as complete.
Item received in return is damaged and Eshopbox fails to report such damage before marking the return as complete.
Item received in return differs from SKU mentioned while you create returns in your workspace. Eshopbox fails to report such damage before marking the return as complete.
You have reported an incident along with the necessary information within 30 days of marking the return as complete and Eshopbox verifies that the incident is a return processing error.
Error in processing recall consignment: Inventory is considered as lost because of error in processing in recall consignment if all the below conditions met.
You have received a damaged or defective unit against recall consignment of sellable Inventory. Or, a unit is missing from the recall consignment.
Eshopbox is not able to provide a replacement for the damaged/missing unit.
You have reported an incident along with the necessary information within 7 days of receiving the recall consignment. Eshopbox verifies that the incident is an error in processing recall consignment.
Please note you may receive damaged or defective units for recall consignment containing Non-sellable Inventory. Eshopbox will not consider such units as Lost.
Remedy for inventory accuracy errors.
All the inventory lost error will be used to determine inventory accuracy for your workspace yearly. If Eshopbox doesn’t meet the Service Level Objective for the year, you will be eligible to receive the SLA credits as described below.
Error | Remedy |
Inventory Lost | Eshopbox will issue of SLA credit worth 20% of the product MRP of lost product. Eshopbox caps the SLA credit at INR 2000 per item lost. |
General Exclusions
The following are general exclusions for all services covered under the Service Level Agreement.
Error caused by factors outside Eshopbox’s control including but not limited to, the following
Acts of God,
Civil commotions
Strikes or other labor disputes
Natural disasters, weather phenomena
Disruptions in air or ground transportation networks
Failure or unavailability of any third-party system outside of Eshopbox control.
Shipments made during excluded dates. Excluded dates include.
Fulfillment center holidays
“Peak Season” dates. During peak season dates, Eshopbox will endeavor to maintain the shipping service level; however, service level guaranteed can’t be offered because of unforeseeable spikes in processing volume.
During the first 90 days, you store products with Eshopbox.
Eshopbox put your services on hold because of overdue invoices.
Apart from the above general exclusions, certain exclusions are mentioned along with service-specific metrics
SLA Credits
If Eshopbox doesn’t meet the Service Level Objective you will be eligible to receive the SLA credits. The following terms apply for SLA credits.
To receive any of the SLA Credits described above, you must notify Eshopbox within thirty days from the time you become eligible to receive a Financial Credit. Failure to comply with this requirement will give up your right to receive an SLA Credit.
SLA Credits will be made in the form of a monetary credit applied to future use of the Eshopbox Service and will be applied within 60 days after you requested the SLA Credit. You cannot transfer SLA credits, to your bank account.
Eshopbox to issue the aggregate maximum number of SLA credits to you will not exceed 50% of the amount due by you for the use of the Eshopbox service during the period.
If it is determined that Eshopbox issued SLA credits to you in error, Eshopbox is authorized to reverse the SLA credits applied to your workspace. For example, If Eshopbox previously reimbursed you for a lost inventory that is subsequently found, Eshopbox will reverse the SLA credits issued for the lost inventory.
Receiving a service level credit in the past will not waive Eshopbox’s right to deny a service level credit in the future.