Add Payouts

Add Payouts

A payout represents the funds you receive. You might receive payouts from various parties. Such payouts would be reflected in your bank account and bank statement. You need to add a payout in the Eshopbox app as soon as you receive funds in your bank account. This would help you to:

  • Initiate reconciliation of transactions in the payout report.

  • make sure the complete amount is paid for your receivables.

  • reconcile payables and raise disputes for concerned cases.

Before you start

  • You should keep handy the payout report you want to upload.

  • You should know the details of the payout received from a contact.

How it works 

To add a payout, navigate to Payments › Payouts › + Add a Payout.

You will be directed to the Add a Payout page.


A) Choose a Contact

From the drop-down list, choose the contact for which you want to add a payout. The active contact will be available in this drop-down list. After selecting a contact click on continue.



B) Provide Transaction Details

This step will help us to ensure that the same payout is not recorded twice. Below details of the payout need to be provided in this section:

  • Fund Transfer date - 

    This date is recorded in your bank statement when you receive a payout. You can add payouts received in the past as well. This is a mandatory field.
    It will be:

    • Paid date of your receivables and payables for which the payment is made.  

    • Refund date of your receivables and payables for which a refund is issued.

  • Fund Transfer Amount -

    This will be used to validate the total of the payout you will upload in the next step. A payout report will be allowed to be upload only when the amount entered here matches the total of the payout report. This is a mandatory field.

    It will be:

    • The total amount you receive in your bank account.

    • The total of the payout report you will upload.

  • Reference ID -

    It will be a unique identifier for your payout reports. This ID is generated by your bank as a unique reference for your payout. You can get this from a bank statement. This is a mandatory field.

  • Additional Remarks -

    It can help you to keep notes to manage your payouts with special remarks. This is an optional field.



After providing details, click on Continue to move to the next step.

We would like to ensure that you do not add the same payout twice. Hence, you will get a warning in the following cases:

  1. If a payout report with the same fund transfer amount and fund transfer date was uploaded earlier.

  2. If a payout report with an exact same bank reference ID was uploaded earlier.

You can still choose to continue only in case 1. However, you cannot upload a payout report with the same bank reference ID twice. You can download your previously uploaded payouts from the warning box for both cases and investigate it further.

Note: If an already added payout was partially recorded you can retry to upload it from the previous payouts' main pane. Learn how to retry a payout.

C) Upload Payout Report

This is the final and most crucial step of this process. Here you can choose to:

  • use the standard payout option, either by converting your CSV or using the payout report downloaded from the portal. Just make sure it follows the rules of the Standard Payout Schema. This will give you total control over how your payout is reconciled. You can only upload a CSV file with this option.

  • Alternatively, you can choose to reconcile your payout using the Eshopbox apps’ built-in rules. Currently, this supported only for seven portals, which are, Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Paytm, Tata Cliq, Limeroad, and Myntra. You can find the steps mentioned on the right with respect to the selected portal to get this report.



Select if you want to follow the standard payout schema or use the build-in rules to reconcile your payout.

You can download the template provided if you want to convert the payout with respect to standard payout schema. Once you have your file click the ‘+ Add File’ option and a pop-up will open. Drop your payout report there, once uploaded the pop-up will close. Click on the ‘upload sheet’ button.

Eshopbox app will now read your payout and perform some basic validations like:

  • the sum of the settled amount in the report is the same as the fund transfer amount.

  • the standard payout schema is followed if you choose the standard payout option.

  • Incorrect report format. Please check if you have used the correct extension for your payout report.

Click the refresh icon to know the upload status. To retry your upload attempt, click on the ‘replace sheet’ button, and reiterate the upload sheet process.

After the payout is successfully uploaded and read by the Eshopbox app, click on submit.

If you chose to use the Eshopbox app’s build-in rules to reconcile your payout, then the process ends here and you will be redirected to the payouts' main pane.

You can learn about the payout report provided by each portal and how we reconcile it using the Eshopbox app’s build-in rules:

However, if you chose the standard payout option, you would be directed to the Column Matching page.

Here you will be displayed with all the columns in your payout report. For each column, you can choose to map it one of the following

  • Source, If the values in the column should be used to identify the Order item the transaction is related to. You will have to select the source type as of the following: Order ID, Order Item ID, Order ID|ESIN, Tracking ID, Reverse Tracking ID and Return Number.

  • Settlement amount, the values in the column represent the net amount settled to your account by the contact corresponding to the order.

  • Paid amount, if the amount represents payment received against a receivable. (If there is a negative field in the column. If there is more than one column representing a paid amount, the sum of all columns will be recorded as payment.

  • Refund amount, if the amount represents payment received against a payable. (If there is a positive value). If there is more than one column representing a paid amount, the sum of all columns will be recorded as a refund.

  • Payable amount, if the value in the column represents amount deducted or adjusted corresponding to a fee charged. You will need to choose the fee name against which you want to reconcile the payable. You may also ask to ignore reconciliation. There can be more than one column for the payable amount.

All the other columns will be ignored. Source, settlement amount, and one among the paid, refund, or payable is mandatory.

When the provided Source is

  • Order ID, Invoice Number, Tracking ID, Reverse Tracking ID, or Return Number and there are multiple items in that source, the transaction amount will be adjusted in the ratio of each item's selling prices.

  • Order Item ID or any other source with a single item, the transaction amount is adjusted completely against that item.

All transactions are recorded for each ESIN individually in an Order. That is one line recorded for every transaction of each product in an order. Be sure to select the source type carefully from any of the above seven sources. This will form the basis to identify and search this source and its items.

The first column of your CSV will be used as column headers. Eshopbox app automatically attempts to match column headers to the available fields. The no. of such fields depends on the fees you have configured for the selected contact.

To illustrate, let’s assume that you have configured only two fees, i.e. Commission Fee and Shipping Fee, for selected Flipkart seller account contact. You would get :

  • Source: This is to be used as the unique key to read and record your payout by finding the exact receivable or payable the transaction relates to. Also, make sure to select the right source type from the dropdown.

  • Total Settlement Amount: The final amount you receive for each transaction. The total of this column must equal funds received at your bank for the payout.

  • Paid amount: The total amount paid for the sale of your product. The selected column will be used to record payments against receivables.

  • Refund Amount: The total amount you refunded for the return of your product. The selected column will be used to record refunds against receivables.

  • Shipping Fee Amount: The amount you paid or refunded to your contact against a fee. This will be used to record and reconcile payments made against shipping fee payables.

  • Commission Fee Amount: The amount you paid or refunded to your contact against a fee. This will be used to record and reconcile payments made against commission fee payables.

  • New Payable Amount: You can select this to record payment or refund for a payable whose fee is not yet configured in the Eshopbox app.

Use dropdown menus on the right side to adjust fields or indicate ‘Do not record’.

Note: Any columns with unrecognized values will not be imported by default. Please refer to the standard payout schema to know all recognized values for a column.


\\Screenshot pf matching page\\


After you have matched all relevant columns and marked others as ‘Do not record’, click on submit

You would have to wait until the payout is completely recorded. Once it's successfully recorded, you’d receive a message. Click on done to proceed.

You will be redirected to the payouts' main pane, where you can track all previously added payouts.

Next Article:<Retry a Payout>


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